Tag: Ole Miss

  • OUCH3 28th Analversary Hash

    OUCH3 28th Analversary Hash

    The Oxford University Community Hash House Harriers (OUCH3) was founded on Saturday, January 19, 1991. Since then, January 19 has fallen on a Saturday only a few times.. Let’s get moving in 2019 with a celebratory hash!

    When: Saturday, January 19, 2019 at 12:30 PM 
    Ford Center/Train Depot Parking Lot, at the corner of Van Buren Avenue and Depot Street, Oxford, Mississippi 38655

    The Gathering: 12:30 pm
    Circle Up: 1:00 pm

    Bonnie Blue Balls, plus more to be determined… Hares step up!
    Hash Cash: 
    Hash Cash, virgins, ID, money if there’s bar stops
    Shiggy level: 
    3 out of 5.

    Please RSVP here: https://www.facebook.com/events/338916330280559/

    More information coming soon…

  • Sunday Pickup Hash #1

    Sunday Pickup Hash #1

    This will be the first of what I hope to be regular pickup hashes. It will be short and sweet, start and finish on or near the Square with one or two beer stops. One or two hares will be randomly chosen from named hashers in attendance, so it will be a live trail approx 1 to 1.5 miles. We will circle up near the Square and end at a bar on the Square, so trail will be A to A-ish.

    I’m hoping some more of our industry folks will be able to join us!

    Where: Parking lot behind BancorpSouth (Taylor Avenue & South 14th Street, Oxford, Mississippi 38655) Park anywhere on the Square and walk, or park at the lot where we will circle up. It is one block south of University kind of behind BancorpSouth.
    When: Sunday, April 8 at 4 pm
    Hares: randomly selected!
    Hash Cash: $3
    Bring: ID and money for bar stops

  • OUCH3 Mismangement

    OUCH3 Mismangement

    It’s official: the changing of the guard.

    Darth Festurd of the Sprinkler Fairy has officially transferred OUCH3 GM to Taco Sans Carne.

    After 27 years, Oxford University Community Hash House Harriers has its first Grand Mistress.

    Let’s give it up for the GMs… RU? ON-ON !!! 

  • January 19, 1991 : OUCH3 is Founded : Oxford University Community Hash House Harriers

    January 19, 1991 : OUCH3 is Founded : Oxford University Community Hash House Harriers

    by Gary “TURBO” Engen

    TURBO (that’s me) – I started the very first OUCH3 hash from back of my house on Faculty Row on Sat, 19 Jan, 1991. I was the PMS at ARMY ROTC at Ole Miss and had a number of years of hashing behind me.

    That first hash trail wandered through the sorority dorms then through RR tracks, some shiggy, through parts of Oxford before catching the Faulkner trail area and back to Faculty Row. No enroute beer stops on that 1st run but plenty of liquids/down-downs at the finish.

    I had been on fun runs in the area with Keith Womer (Dept Chair at Finace (or  Business) Dept at Ole Miss) and John Robertson was an Army Major that worked with me at the ROTC Dept. So there were only 3 of us on that “initiation” to hashing for those two.

    Keith was subsequently (after he made 3 runs) named “Gradient Man” and John became “Sewyrunt”. My lame brain doesn’t recall a lot of details from times past now-a-days but “Gradient” was linked to PhD Keith Womer’s work and I think John was an Arkansas fan so we linked “Sewy” to his hash name.

    Subsequent runs picked up as we ran every 2nd & 4th Saturday and threw in some Full-Moon runs every now and then.

    Gradient Man (See above)– He eventually became a “Joint Master” of the OUH3 with me and was a great runner with a lot of 5k and 10k runs. He and I were about the same age at the time (approaching 50). When I departed Oxford upon my Army retirement in June 1993, Keith (Gradient Man) took over the OUH3 for many years thereafter until, I think, he moved to the St Louis area to take a faculty position at St Louis Univ or some other.

    Sewyrunt – Was our Hash Cash initially and I believe he also departed the Army from Oxford and took some hospital admin job there in Oxford area. He was a reluctant runner but avid “Happy Hour” and down-down participant.

    Hot Lips – Linda was Hash Mamma and Sewyrunt’s wife and was one of the early H3 hashers but did not accumulate many runs as I recall. She added some “class” though to what frequently became an ugly brawl.

    Mud Diver- I believe he was a grad student at Ole Miss or a professor that worked with Keith Womer

    Baby Doc- a tall/fit grad student that could out-run most of us! He almost had his PhD thus “Baby Doc”

    Dog Style – Larry was an Army Captain at the ROTC Dept and had a couple dalmation canines that sometime ran with us, thus “Dog Style”

    Quickie –  Another younger Ole Miss student who was usually up front and faster than most

    Sasquatch – Keith Womer’s son that made a few runs with the pack.


    Lot’s of good memories just thinking about those days!


  • OUCH3 Red Dress Hash is Saturday, October 1, 2016 in Oxford, Mississippi

    OUCH3 Red Dress Hash is Saturday, October 1, 2016 in Oxford, Mississippi

    What: OUCH3 Red Dress Hash
    Date: Saturday, October 1, 2016
    Time: TBA (Estimating to hit trail about 2 or 3 pm)
    Meet up: 1503 White Oak Lane, Oxford, MS 38655
    Harriettes: Taco Sans Carne and Dr. Jiggles
    Hash Cash: (includes beer, food, beer, t-shirt, beer, lanyard, and beer)
    $25 Early-bird price good through Thursday 9/22 **PLEASE NOTE** Our t-shirt supplier needs a count by Monday 9/26, so if you rego after Sunday 9/25, we can’t guarantee we will have enough extras.
    $30 Rego after Thursday 9/22
    $35 Hash Cash the day of

    Get yer red dresses ready – it’s that time again! OUCH3 will be taking over this quaint college town on game day for a good ol’ fashioned pavement pounding.

    On October 1, Ole Miss hosts Memphis at Vaught-Hemingway Stadium, and we figured it would be a great opportunity for hashy shenanigans. Expect a layover in the famous Grove for some plundering of tailgates, as well as a stop by the Oxford Square (you will need an ID; beer will be provided, but if you want anything else from the bar, bring a method of payment), and some other local landmarks.

    We will meet at “Mount Cooter” at the corner of Molly Barr and North Lamar. There should be plenty of parking at this location, as well as a good amount of space for tent camping for those of you who would like to do so. A bathroom will be available but no showers. For those who need additional crash space, please contact us (email: fanofokstate02@gmail.com) and we will assist you in any way possible.

    Food will be provided after circle (menu TBD) and it’s likely that there will be another on-site food vendor for more options (separate from rego).

    Please rego in advance, the price will be slightly higher the day-of. We will only be able to provide t-shirts and lanyards to hashers who rego in advance!

    (Rego is closed for this OUCH3 Hash)

    Oxford University Community Hash House Harriers Red Dress Run 2016
    Oxford University Community Hash House Harriers Red Dress Run 2016