Month: October 2020

  • Holloweenie Prick or Teat!!

    Holloweenie Prick or Teat!!

    Hares: Darth Fester The Great Sprinkler Fairy, Cockahaulic, Chief Muff n Charge, Red Snatch
    Hash Cash: $10
    Where: Three Way at The Green Door Company
    When: Saturday, October 31, 2020 at 5:30 pm

    Circle 6p! . The Great Sprinkler Fairy & his Ho-hares Cockahaulic, Chief Muff, & Red Snatch will be laying trail as only a 4way can. The Great Pumpkin may not be cumming this year but the Great Pimpkin sure is!!

    Costumes are welcome. Please wear a facial covering (not that kind of facial)
    Hash Cash $10

    Bring a flashlight, whistle, virgins, fleshlight if you can’t find a virgin, warm clothes for on after. We will be in town & we should sing a lot of nasty songs so brush up on your yo ho’s & necros . We will have some outdoor fun at on after